Contact UK Pensions Melbourne today!

Want more control over your pension? UK Pensions Melbourne understands the value of securing your future. We provide expert advice and make it our mission to give you the knowledge and control of your pension by keeping your future plans in mind. Our qualified financial expertise will provide you the peace of mind you need to secure your current and future retirement plans. Our clients have realised a range of benefits through transferring their pensions from a UK pension scheme to an Australian superannuation fund such as the full tax-free access to their pensions at age 60, having control of their money and deciding how it is further invested as well as keeping all their retirement savings in Australia.

If you are an Australian resident who has left the UK on a permanent basis and are considering transferring your UK pension benefits to an Australian superannuation fund, UK Pensions Melbourne can help you.

Contact the UK Pensions Melbourne specialists today to learn how we can help you transfer the pension from your UK pension scheme to an Australian superannuation fund.

Peter Almond has been advising me on how to bring my UK pension to Australia. The combination of professional and friendly guidance in these matters has been truly exceptional. Without his abilities I am not sure how I would have overcome the difficulties I experienced in attempting to gain information and advice. I have no doubt that I will continue to turn to him to advise me in all matters concerning my financial life.
Andrew Benjamin

Call us today to find out how we can help you with transferring your UK pension